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Book formatting
self publishers

Sell To The World

We offer a one-stop book formatting service for all the major book marketing platforms.

Self publishing your books is easy.

Benefits of Self Publishing:
  • Make your book available to the world market in a matter of days
  • eBooks and print on demand
  • Inexpensive compared to traditional book publishing
  • Vast distribution network of 100’s of retailers and public libraries
  • Set your own pricing
  • Keep 100% of profits from sales
Book Formatting Falling Devices
Triomarketers expert formatters

Some Of the Major Book Marketing Platforms We Format For?

Reach the worlds largest book retailers, for both ebooks and print on demand books.

amazon kdp
draft to digital
book formatting retailer
book formatting retailer
book formatting retailer
book formatting retailer
Recommended Smashwords Formatter Badge Image

eBook Formatting

We format for all book platforms. Any language accepted.

Print on Demand Formatter

Print Book Layout and Formatting

We do formatting for all print on demand platforms

Fillabel PDF formatter

Format PDF's & Make Fillable

We will edit any PDF document / report / form and make them fillable

Excellent Service

Experienced Formatters.

  1. Fiction or non fiction books
  2. Text books & technical manuals
  3. Any language formatted
  4. Any source document accepted
  5. All popular formats available

Recommended by Smashwords

Have your manuscript formatted by the best .
  • Triomarketers has been on the Smashwords list of recommended formatters for the last 12 years.
  • Triomarketers has formatted 1000’s of books into formats for both ebooks and print on demand.

Our Book Formatting Workflow

Book Formatting Workflow
Book Formatting Workflow

We at Triomarketers treat you and your manuscript with the utmost of care and respect. We know how much it has taken out of you to get to the formatting stage. This is the exact reason why so many of our customers have so many nice things to say about us.


Sell on multiple platforms

Sell your book on a multitude of marketing platforms, by simply by uploading to Draft 2 Digital.

Draft 2 Digital is also able to distribute your book to thousands of public libraries, where your book will be read for a fee.

Book formatters multi channel marketing

Get your manuscript professionally formatted