Print on Demand Books
Print On Demand Books
What is Print on Demand?
Essentially print on demand is like having your own distribution and printing network. You get immediate access to large parts of the global market to market your book to. When you make a sale, you will be able to have a copy of your book printed for your customer. There are no big volume runs required. If you need a single book, you only have to have a single book printed. No worries about having to carry inventory, or the dispatch to the customer, or import charges into the country where the sale is made.
How Does Print On Demand (POD) Work?
Section A (Duties of the author)
The author writes a book but decides not want to follow the traditional route of publishing and distribution, due to high costs, and decides to self publish instead.
1. Once the book is completed the author edits and proof reads the document to make sure the content is as they would like their readers to read it.
The author may choose to edit edit and proof read themselves or outsource this function to people who specialize in this type of work
2. Once all the content errors have been found and corrected, the decision needs to made on which platform the book is going to be sold and in which format (ebook, hard copy or both). Each platform has different requirements to formatting, so it is essential to determine which platform is most suited for your requirements.
Formatting is very specialized and needs to be done to exacting requirements or else the book will not be accepted to the platform. Outsourcing this function to someone who knows how to do it, is usually the quickest route to get your manuscript published and does not cost much.
3. Once the formatter is done with the book, the author will be able to upload it to the chosen platform.
4. Now it is time for the author to start marketing and promoting their book, as it will not necessarily make any sales just because it is published on a sales platform.
Section B (outsourced functions)
5. When a customer arrives at the website and purchases a copy of your printed book and makes payment. The following will happen automatically. (The author does not have to be concerned about anything further)
5a. The sales website will process the payment.
5b. The sales website will gather all the delivery information that is required.
6. The book order is forwarded to the POD company that will be printing the book.
7. The POD company will the print a copy of the book according to the specifications that the author had set in the dashboard. (size of book, type of paper, color or black and white)
8. Once the printing is complete the book will be packaged and forwarded to the delivery supplier for delivery to the specified address.
9. The delivery supplier will then deliver the package to the address specified in the sale.
10. At specified intervals as specified by the website payments will be made to the author. (usually monthly, 3 months in arrears)
Section C (Third party supplier)
11. Payment will then be available to the author to withdraw from their bank.
Benefits of Publishing Print On Demand Books

Which Companies Do Print On Demand Books?

Advantages Of Print On Demand Books